Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 5

Well, I've just been slowly falling down the hill of sleep. I woke up at 7:36, which was probably for the best since finals were today however I was still quite angry with myself. I believe the problem is my alarm going to see if I can arrange a system to wake me up better in the mornings. I never hear my alarm I'm sure it goes off but if it does I don't know about it.

After my first test I took my normal 10 nap, unfortunately I slept for an hour instead of 30 minutes, after getting home I accidentally skipped my second nap. Due to this schedule lapsing so often I have decided to attempt to rearrange it. Adding in a 3rd nap at 9:30 and changing all naps to 20 minutes. So the new schedule is:

1:30 - 4:30: Core Sleep
10-10:20 : 1st Nap
4:30-4:50:2nd Nap
9:30-9:50:3rd Nap

I will still be sleeping the same amount of hours on this schedule, but my hope is that by spacing the naps better it will help me wake from my core sleep easier, I also plan on finding a different alarm that I'm not used to just in case I'm turning it off in my sleep. Which is quite possible since on day 4 I carried on an entire conversation at 6 in the morning that I have no recollection of, but that I was assured took place. Until tomorrow.

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