Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 3

Working the double shift yesterday probably wasn't a very good idea. I woke up at 5:36 and all I wanted to do was sleep, I would shut one eye or the other just to keep from sleeping, but stop my eyes from hurting. I decided to take my nap early at 9:30 but overslept till 10:30.

I began to feel some life come back around 12 or so, but that quickly fell off at 3:30. My 4:30 nap was fine except the not sleeping part, it seemed every time I was about to drift into unconsciousness a distraction would arise, I'm definitely considering building a dark sound proof room.

The last stretch of the day went fine despite the lack of sleep from the earlier nap, around 11 or so I decided to see how my mum would cope playing Call of Duty 4. which was entertaining to say the least. I believe my recent slip may have been attributed to by working so much, but I'm also beginning to think it's the lack of a 3rd nap, I'm going to try to figure out a way to add in one between my 2nd and core.

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