Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 7 & 8

Got a bit distracted yesterday and forgot to post, yesterday didn't go too well, overslept and then my first nap ran for 2 hours.

Today was the best day of the whole week, I actually woke up to my alarm clock and all my naps went well. not really much to say outside of that, going to start posting less often, perhaps on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 6

I did much better today, just woke up from my 9:30 nap. Slept in a bit this morning, till 6 but that's much better then I've been doing. I really think adding in this 3rd nap will help. The naps have become easier to fall asleep with, and I'm beginning to move into consciousness a minute or two before my alarm goes off, for the naps that is. Which I take as a good sign of adaptation to the schedule.

This last nap was rather peculiar in the sense that I began dreaming before reaching unconsciousness, I was thinking about things as I normally do before I fall asleep, however I was also dreaming, not like day dreaming however it was much fuller, I could actually hear the sounds in my ear and the sights were as if I were there, it was quite interesting.

Before falling asleep I thought a bit about my upcoming core sleep and thought how sad it makes me to remove myself from the world for a whole 4 hours, time has taken on a slightly different look and feel, where as before days had designated lines and I could look back in my mind and almost see the days like a sidewalk with lines representing my sleep, now however it is like a highway with a small dashed line every so often but no break in it. After thinking this I thought it strange that I would miss 4 hours so much, I may have to attempt the Uberman schedule once fully adapted to this, just to avoid feeling removed from the world.

Although just coming up on a week now, it feels as though I have been at this for twice that. My concentration has not fully returned but it is beginning to improve, I can now understand people the first time, memory is the only lapse I seem to be having lately.

Until Tomorrow, Good day.

Day 5

Well, I've just been slowly falling down the hill of sleep. I woke up at 7:36, which was probably for the best since finals were today however I was still quite angry with myself. I believe the problem is my alarm going to see if I can arrange a system to wake me up better in the mornings. I never hear my alarm I'm sure it goes off but if it does I don't know about it.

After my first test I took my normal 10 nap, unfortunately I slept for an hour instead of 30 minutes, after getting home I accidentally skipped my second nap. Due to this schedule lapsing so often I have decided to attempt to rearrange it. Adding in a 3rd nap at 9:30 and changing all naps to 20 minutes. So the new schedule is:

1:30 - 4:30: Core Sleep
10-10:20 : 1st Nap
4:30-4:50:2nd Nap
9:30-9:50:3rd Nap

I will still be sleeping the same amount of hours on this schedule, but my hope is that by spacing the naps better it will help me wake from my core sleep easier, I also plan on finding a different alarm that I'm not used to just in case I'm turning it off in my sleep. Which is quite possible since on day 4 I carried on an entire conversation at 6 in the morning that I have no recollection of, but that I was assured took place. Until tomorrow.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 4

Wow. Deffinetly slipped up a bit this morning, slept in till 7:16, however got a decent nap around 9:30 or so. Starting to have problems remembering the day. Moving core sleep foward 3o minutes and considering adding a nap at 9:30 pm and changing all nap times to 20 minutes instead. Recent social issues make it difficult to concentrate on this log and so it is quite a bit shorter then usual and for that I apologize, I may return at a later date and expand on it.

Day 3

Working the double shift yesterday probably wasn't a very good idea. I woke up at 5:36 and all I wanted to do was sleep, I would shut one eye or the other just to keep from sleeping, but stop my eyes from hurting. I decided to take my nap early at 9:30 but overslept till 10:30.

I began to feel some life come back around 12 or so, but that quickly fell off at 3:30. My 4:30 nap was fine except the not sleeping part, it seemed every time I was about to drift into unconsciousness a distraction would arise, I'm definitely considering building a dark sound proof room.

The last stretch of the day went fine despite the lack of sleep from the earlier nap, around 11 or so I decided to see how my mum would cope playing Call of Duty 4. which was entertaining to say the least. I believe my recent slip may have been attributed to by working so much, but I'm also beginning to think it's the lack of a 3rd nap, I'm going to try to figure out a way to add in one between my 2nd and core.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 2

Today ran ok, the morning had no problems, unfortunetly work really interfered with my schedule. I worked till 4 and attempted to nap in my car, I didnt fall asleep at all, I just layed there with my eyes closed, however I still felt refreshed and more alert afterwards. My concetration and attention began to slip later on this evening during work, I had to have instructions given 5 or 6 times to understand what was being said. Really not much to add besides that, hopefully this is the worst of it.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 1

Waking up at 5:46 I overslept and missed my 4 wake up alarm. I woke up tired and groggy, my largest asperation this morning was my 10 nap, the hours very slowly ticked by as I waited for the nap. Of course today ran so perfectly for the first day of a polyphasic sleep switch, work was busy all day and the night crew did a terrible job leaving me to do all the clean up.

Pushing through work my muscles ached from lack of sleep as I waited for my next nap which i decided to move back to 4 o' clock to more easily accomidate my schedule. Unfortunetly my brother is not in full support of this switch for who knows what reason, and halfway through my 2nd nap I was awoken to a loud intrusion into my room, after insitance on my part to have my brother leave my room, he left after 5 minutes, letting me toss and turn for the last ten minutes of my nap.

I found a new burst of energy around 10 0'clock. So far sleep deprivation has not set in to heavily yet, however tomorrow I work a double shift and have to squeeze my 2nd nap between shifts. We will see how I cope with that.